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press clippings

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To see current tear sheets of work in the press,
click here.


To see a video presentation of King’s work,
click here.



“His designs are truly museum-worthy…truly one of a kind.”

Marylou Luther
International Fashion Syndicate


“More famous today for his women’s fashions, King invented his own technique to smock organza, creating seamless couture dresses and

wraps that seem more like art than fashion.”

Tiffany Carboni
California Home & Garden


“Every piece of Kenneth’s is unique… With Kenneth, you’re assured it’s one

of a kind and no one elsewill have anything like it.”

Mary Gottschalk
California Home & Garden


“King’s designs are one of a kind and painstakingly created to

appear literally seamless…”

Cynthia Robins
The San Francisco Examiner


“Details are King’s specialty…”

Anne Alexander
The Edmonton


“Sittemmin miehen luomuksissa, mielikuvituksellisissa hatuissa ja jakuissa ovat loistaneet niin Geena Davis kuin pop-tahti Elton Johnkin.”

Mirva Heiskanen, MUOTI
The Edmonton


“King’s artful work features delightful surprises…”

Trish Donnally
The San Francisco Chronicle


“The hat Elton John wears in his terrific Diet Coke TV spot…came from S.F. Designer Kenneth D. King,who like so many remarkable S.F. talents, is better known elsewhere…”

Herb Caen
The San Francisco Chronicle
(To view, click here)


“Kenneth D. King invente d’opulents chapeaux, toques et turbans, mais aussi des meubles et des tenues du plus pur style Beaux-Arts, celui des buildings fin de siecle de S.F. il est aussi fan de Lalique ET de alenciaga Elton John a deja craque pour des calots ebouriffants que l’on peut acheter dans des boites de velours noir au studio de S.F….”

Martine Azoulai
French Glamour


“…his meticulous attention to detail, use of opulent materials, and his Belle Epoque aesthetic make King’s pieces one-of-a-kind treasures.”

Ann Telford
Northern California Home and Garden


“It takes a great deal of panache, and sometimes a sense of humor to

carry these pieces. He considers the engineering…as important as

the design, so they can last for generations.”

Katherine Bishop
The New York Times


“Drama, opulence, and craftsmanship are manifest in Designer Kenneth

D. King’s exquisitely made accessories.”

Susan Subtle
The San Francisco Chronicle


“His hats are his opulent passion, and each one is fastidiously expressed.”

Kathy Wheater
Image Magazine


“Truly mad: one of a kind…”


Gladys Palmer
The San Francisco Examiner

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